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Thursday, May 28, 2009
Kilauan Emas Cuti_Cuti Malaysia
Salam semua. Bermula hr ni saya bercuti selama 2 minggu. Jalan2 dr Alor Setar smpai KL... Hu3. Ini pun update pkai HP jer.. Selamat
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Siri Jelajah Public Gold Kota Bharu 4


Sebenarnya masih banyak pertanyaan yg hendak disuarakan oleh kebanyakan hadirin yg hadir. Akan tetapi, memandangkan masa hampir menunjukkan jam 12 malam, maka sesi penerangan telah ditamatkan. Namun, terdapat beberapa perkara yang boleh diambil panduan. Antaranya, saranan drp Public Gold utuk menjadikan Kelantan salah satu hub yg besar di Pantai Timur memandangkan terdapat banyak kuasa membeli di negeri ini. Oleh itu, para ejen yg sedia ada dan bakal, seharusnya merebut peluang ini utk merealisasikan impian ini. Mengikut angka Public Gold, 90% adalah pelanggan Melayu dan selebihnya lain-lain. Oleh itu, wawasan mereka adalah utk mewujudkan Master dealer di Kota Bharu dgn kapasiti bulanan jualan melebihi rm 100,000 dan modal permulaan rm 300,000. Ini krn utk mengurangkan kos penghantaran kpd ejen2 yg lain. Ia juga boleh dilihat seperti satu stokis di negeri Kelantan, di mana ejen2 akan menagmbil stok kpd Master Dealer ini. Ianya tidak mustahil. Begitu juga saranan drp Mr Branson yg mengatakan kan membantu utk membuka booth di mana2 Kompleks membeli belah atau mana2 pameran, sekiranya mempunyai ejen yg ramai... sekurang-kurangnya 10 ejen utk masa yg terdekat ini.
Adalah tidak menghairankan, rata-rata yg hadir adalah golongan yg bergelar ustaz.. (sya bukan la... hu3)Dan melihat dari sudut yg positif, maka pembelian emas ini haruslah dilihat sebagai satu usaha memertabatkan kembali penggunaan dinar sbg matawang sebagaimana yg disarankan oleh Islam selama ini. Begitu juga, tindakan awal ini boleh dikatakan sebagai pendedahan dan pendidikan awal emas kpd orang ramai. Maka usaha ini bukan sahaja bermanfaat utk kepentingan keuntungan semata2 tetapi sebagai usaha mertarbiah masyarakat akan kepentingan berbalik kpd sistem ekonomi Islam di mana salah satu cabangnya adalah penggunaan dinar emas dan dirham.
Mana2 bahagian di dlm posting saya ini yg salah atau tidak tepat maksudnya harap dapat dibetulkan utk kepentingan bersama.
Siri Jelajah Public Gold Kota Bharu 3
Seperti tajuk yg lepas, kita masih berbicara tentang En Syukor yg memberi ucapan dalm perjumpaan di Kota Bharu. Berbalik kpd nilai emas yg dibandingkan pada tahun 1970an yg bernilai 35 Usd/oz, manakala hari ini ianya mencecah sehngga 953 Usd/oz. Jadi, secra purata nilai emas akan meningkat sehingga 24% setahun. Maka, adalah disarankan agar simpanan pendidikan anak2 ditukarkan kpd penyimpanan emas. Satu saranan yg agak rasional, krn pada ketika ini simpanan pendidikan hanya memberi pulangan 3- 7 % setahun. Jadi, masing2 cuba renungkan dan fikir sendiri.
Selain itu, beliau juga menyentuh mengenai sifat fizikal emas itu sendiri. Sebagai contoh, jika kita menyimpan wang di rumah: Jika berlaku kebakaran, akan hanguslah wang tersebut. Tetapi, jika kita menyimpan emas, walaupun terbakar ia tidak akan menukarkan sifat emas itu. Kerana takat lebur emas adalah tinggi (1+++ deg cel.. ini saya lupa angkanya.. akan saya update)Jika ia lebur sekalipu, kita boleh kumpulkan semula dan nilainya tetap sama. Untuk dikaitkan emas Public Gold pula, kelebihannya adalah: walaupun tercalar, bengkok, dibuka plastiknya sekalipun Public Gold tetap menerima. Ini tidak berlaku jika anda membeli jongkong emas di mana2 kedai ema syg lain... Pasti caj yg lebih akan dikenakan.
Antara topik yg menarik adalah banyak sabda Rasulullah SAW yg memperkatakan ttg emas ini yg tidak perlu saya huraikan di sini.... Tetapi ada satu cerita drp kitab (tidak disebutkan nama kitab tsb) tentang bagaimana perasaan sedih seluruh isi syurga, tatkala Nabi Allh Adam A.S telah diperintahkan utk keluar drp syurga. Tetapi hanya satu makhluk yg tidak menangis kesedihan iaitu emas. Apabila ditanya oleh Allah akan kpd emas itu mengapa dia tidak sedih, sedangkan seluruh isi syurga sedih akan pemergian Nabi Adam. Berkata emas kpd Allah SWT bahawa dia tidak sedih kerana telah benar yang Nabi Adam telah melanggar peraturan yg ditetapkan oleh Allah. Dan Allah menjawab bahawa emas adalah makhluk yg sentiasa patuh kpdNya dan mengatakan bahawa Emas akan dipandang tinggi oleh manusia di dunia dan juga di akhirat.
Dan memang benar sehingga ke hari ini emas tetap dipandang tinggi oleh manusia dan nilainya pun semakin tinggi saban hari....
Monday, May 25, 2009
Cerita Lawak... Best Giler
Siri Jelajah Public Gold 2
Setelah selesai Mr Branson memberi ucapan, tiba giliran En Syukor utk memberi penerangan. En Syukor telah dilantik oleh Public Gold sebagai Head of Research. Bravo En Syukor memang layak kerana ilmu dan jasa beliau telah dapat dihidu oleh Public Gold dan menjadikan beliau satu aset. Syabas..
Untuk pengetahuan semua, walaupun sudah hampir setahun saya berhubung dgn En Syukor, inilah pertama kali saya berpeluang utk berjumpa beliau.Sungguhpun masa utk En Syukor agak terhad, tetapi penerangan beliau amat menarik, ringkas dan padat. Walaupun saya tidak sempat utk mencatit isi penting, tetapi saya masih dapat mengingati beberapa topik yg menarik yg telah disampaikan oleh beliau.
Soalan mudah... Apakah definisi nilai matawang?Daripada apa yg aku faham drp penerangan beliau, nilai matawang RM hanyalah satu nilai yg dipaksa diakui nilainya oleh pemerintah sesebuah negara (in this case Malaysia) yg mana jika kita bawa note RM ini ke negara lain tidak diakui nilanya. Tetapi cuba anda bawa 100gm jongkong emas, dan cuba tanya apakah nilai emas ini? Sudah pasti nilainya ialah 100gm emas yg mana nilainya adalah nilai semasa ketika itu.
Bagaimanakah nilai matawang disandarkan..?
Kita perlu sedar yg nilai matawang kita seakarang bersandarkan hanya 4% drp nilai emas,80% bersandarkan kpd nilai matawang dolar amerika dan selebihnya nilai matawang negara2 lain..... Sebab itulah, apabila dolar amerika jatuh, nilai ringgit juga akan jatuh. Maka sungguh mudah utk memanipulasi jika sistem matawang tidak bersandarkan kpd rezab emas. Cuba kita lihat ke belakang, sejarah menunjukkan sudah ada tamadun yg menggunakan emas dan perak sebagai matawang. Cuba lihat perbezaan berikut:
Nilai matawang dahulu yg bersandarkan kpd emas, bermakna nilai note (contoh RM yg benilai 50) bermakna mewakili nilai bersamaan 50 gm emas.. (sbg contoh sahaja)... Maka institusi menyimpan emas tersebut akan mengeluarkan resit (dlm bentuk wang note) bahawa resit tersebut bernilai 50gm emas. Ini bermakna si pembawa note kertas itu jika pergi ke mana2 institusi yg menyimpan emas ini, nilainya laku dan bersamaan 50gm.
Lain pula sekarang, nilai matawang yg bukan bersandarkan emas.... anda umpama membawa sekeping resit memberitahu nilai note tersebut ialah 50 ringgit berdasarkan kekukuhan matawang tersebut..... Mungkin tahun 1980 an Rm 15,000 anda sudah boleh mendapat sebuah kereta, tetapi sekarang RM 15,000 anda tidak boleh. Berbeza jika tahun 1980an anda ... mempunyai 500gm emas yg nilainya mungkin rm 15,000 (anggaran, bukan dlm nilai yg tepat), tetapi nilai sekarang ialah rm 65,000. Dan sememangnya anda boleh membeli sebuah kereta..........
Tahun 1970an harga emas 35 dolar usd per ounce.....
Jelajah Public Gold ke Kota Bharu mendapat sambutan menggalakkan
Gambar perjumpaan Public Gold bersama warga Kota Bharu.... (Gambar diambil sekitar jam 1130 mlm setelah sesi penerangan tamat dan ramai perserta yg jauh dari Kota Bharu sudah pulang)Berita menyusul kemudian
Tidak sempat utk beramah mesra dengan tetamu yg hadir kerana masa dirasakan terlalu singkat.. sehinggakan masih banyak pertanyaan belum diajukan... nampaknya peserta2 begitu gembira dan berkeyakinan utk menyertai Public Gold ini.
Gambar kedua: bertali leher adalah Mr Branson
Gambar Ketiga : En Syukor melayan pertanyaan peserta
Siri Jelajah Public Gold ke Kota Bharu 1
Malam tadi seperti yg diwarwarkan oleh Public Gold , mereka telah mengadakan satu perjumpaan dengan ejen2 dan orang2 Kota Bharu (Kelantan). Acara tersebut diadakan di Hotel Juita Inn, Kota Bharu dengan kehadiran lebih drp 20 orang.
Acara dmulakan oleh Mr Branson, GM Public Gold. Beliau memberi penerangan tentang produk yang ditawarkan oleh syarikat, misi,motto dan halatuju syarikat. Beliau juga mengupas sepintas lalu mengenai kepentingan memiliki emas dengan menunjukkan rekod2 harga emas dan juga sejarah2 berkaitan yang menyebabkan kita harus menyimpan emas bermula dari sekarang. Banyak hasil kupasan beliau mungkin digarap dan dianalisis drp kebanyakan laman web berkaitan emas yang mana jika anda seorang peminat Jutawanemas dan lain2 blogger emas pasti dapat memahaminya dgn lebih mendalam.
Selain itu, beliu juga menerangkan tentang peri kepentingan emas ini kepada orang Islam yg mana dinar emas ini cuba diperkenalkan oleh Tun Mahathir pada tahun 1997. Begitu juga dengan saranan TG Nik Abdul Aziz yang memberi sokongan terhadap penggunaan dinar ini. Seorang lagi tokoh yg sering membawa isu ini adalah Dato' Husam Musa yg dilihat sering aktif melibatkan diri di pentas2 forum atau seminar yg berkaitan dengan dinar emas ini. Saya tertarik dengan pendapat peribadi beliau, jika kita ingin memperkenalkan kepentingan emas ini kepada public, kita haruslah berhubung dengan tokoh yg memiliki dan mengerti ilmu emas ini sebagai "Role of Model'. 3 tokoh di atas adalah sinonim dan sememangnya mempunyai pengetahuan yg tinggi akan kepentingan emas ini. Selain itu, Mr Branson juga menerangkan konsep utk menjadi seorang ejen dan menerangkan matlamat syarikat yg ingin menghasilkan ejen yg ramai dan matlamat 300 wakala seluruh Malysia. Perkara yang paling penting dalam urusan ini adalah 'INTEGRITI' atau kejujuran sama ada drp pihak syarikat, ejen mahupun pelanggan bagi melaksanakan impian.
Di samping itu, Mr Branson juga mendedahkan bahawa SKM telah mengambil Public Gold sebagai m odel yg akan diperkenalkan kpd seluruh koperasi di Malysia.
Acara dmulakan oleh Mr Branson, GM Public Gold. Beliau memberi penerangan tentang produk yang ditawarkan oleh syarikat, misi,motto dan halatuju syarikat. Beliau juga mengupas sepintas lalu mengenai kepentingan memiliki emas dengan menunjukkan rekod2 harga emas dan juga sejarah2 berkaitan yang menyebabkan kita harus menyimpan emas bermula dari sekarang. Banyak hasil kupasan beliau mungkin digarap dan dianalisis drp kebanyakan laman web berkaitan emas yang mana jika anda seorang peminat Jutawanemas dan lain2 blogger emas pasti dapat memahaminya dgn lebih mendalam.
Selain itu, beliu juga menerangkan tentang peri kepentingan emas ini kepada orang Islam yg mana dinar emas ini cuba diperkenalkan oleh Tun Mahathir pada tahun 1997. Begitu juga dengan saranan TG Nik Abdul Aziz yang memberi sokongan terhadap penggunaan dinar ini. Seorang lagi tokoh yg sering membawa isu ini adalah Dato' Husam Musa yg dilihat sering aktif melibatkan diri di pentas2 forum atau seminar yg berkaitan dengan dinar emas ini. Saya tertarik dengan pendapat peribadi beliau, jika kita ingin memperkenalkan kepentingan emas ini kepada public, kita haruslah berhubung dengan tokoh yg memiliki dan mengerti ilmu emas ini sebagai "Role of Model'. 3 tokoh di atas adalah sinonim dan sememangnya mempunyai pengetahuan yg tinggi akan kepentingan emas ini. Selain itu, Mr Branson juga menerangkan konsep utk menjadi seorang ejen dan menerangkan matlamat syarikat yg ingin menghasilkan ejen yg ramai dan matlamat 300 wakala seluruh Malysia. Perkara yang paling penting dalam urusan ini adalah 'INTEGRITI' atau kejujuran sama ada drp pihak syarikat, ejen mahupun pelanggan bagi melaksanakan impian.
Di samping itu, Mr Branson juga mendedahkan bahawa SKM telah mengambil Public Gold sebagai m odel yg akan diperkenalkan kpd seluruh koperasi di Malysia.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
OD CC Refinance
Dah lama tak update blog nih... agakk sibuk dgn keje kebelakangan ini. Selain itu, skrg tgh memikirkan cara manipulasi Ur money melalui pembacaan blog bebashutang.com. Agak menarik dan membuka mata insan yg jahil mengenai selok-belok perjalanan sistem kewangan negara kita. Kerana selama ini segala urusan jual beli hanya dibuat setelah melayan 'lebongan' jurujual dan termakan umpan, hanya menyaksikan pena menanda tangani surat jual beli tanpa ada pengetahuan secra terang atau tdak..... maka, di situlah kita tertipu bahkan hatta setelah habis bayar hutang sekalipun masih juga tidak menyedari hakikat akan ketidak mengertian itu...
Agak emosional sedikit mungkin sbb teruja dgn penemuan baru ini yg mana tidak byk diwar warkan di mana 2 media utama masa kini. Mungkin juga, tahap pembacaan yg masih lemah di kalangan kita (termasuk saya) menyebabkan ianya gagal diketengahkan.
Walau bagaimanapun, isu yg nak diperkatakan adalah manipulasi OD dan CC serta tawaran hebat bank2 yg mnawarkan kemudahan profit utk pinjaman perumahan yg agak rendah... Jadi, peluang ini harus di ambil oleh kita sbg jalan utk minimumkan kehilangan (kerugian)dan mendapat ganjaran wang tunai utk terus melabur dan menguruskan perbelanjaan secara berhemah.
Untuk lebih detail mengenai OD dan CC anda boleh lah mencuri masa membuka blog bebashutamg.com . Tawaran pinjaman perumahan yg saya maksudkan ialah di RHB bank, di mana saya sendiri pergi menemui Personal Banker utk mendapatkan keterangan yg sebenarnya. Dan terbukti kadar faedahnya serendah 3.45% itu sgt bermakna sama ada utk refinance atau menambah aset anda.Terima kasih kpd kaitangan RHB Kota Bharu yg mempunyai staf yg boleh dikatakan semuanya mesra dan membantu. Tidak lupa juga kpd kakitangan kerajaan skrg cukup bertuah krn pihak bank menawarkan pinjaman peribadi serendah 3.5% setahun. sila rujuk ke bank berikut:
AlRajhi, Public Bank, Ambank dan beberapa bank yg lain.
Agak emosional sedikit mungkin sbb teruja dgn penemuan baru ini yg mana tidak byk diwar warkan di mana 2 media utama masa kini. Mungkin juga, tahap pembacaan yg masih lemah di kalangan kita (termasuk saya) menyebabkan ianya gagal diketengahkan.
Walau bagaimanapun, isu yg nak diperkatakan adalah manipulasi OD dan CC serta tawaran hebat bank2 yg mnawarkan kemudahan profit utk pinjaman perumahan yg agak rendah... Jadi, peluang ini harus di ambil oleh kita sbg jalan utk minimumkan kehilangan (kerugian)dan mendapat ganjaran wang tunai utk terus melabur dan menguruskan perbelanjaan secara berhemah.
Untuk lebih detail mengenai OD dan CC anda boleh lah mencuri masa membuka blog bebashutamg.com . Tawaran pinjaman perumahan yg saya maksudkan ialah di RHB bank, di mana saya sendiri pergi menemui Personal Banker utk mendapatkan keterangan yg sebenarnya. Dan terbukti kadar faedahnya serendah 3.45% itu sgt bermakna sama ada utk refinance atau menambah aset anda.Terima kasih kpd kaitangan RHB Kota Bharu yg mempunyai staf yg boleh dikatakan semuanya mesra dan membantu. Tidak lupa juga kpd kakitangan kerajaan skrg cukup bertuah krn pihak bank menawarkan pinjaman peribadi serendah 3.5% setahun. sila rujuk ke bank berikut:
AlRajhi, Public Bank, Ambank dan beberapa bank yg lain.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Gold News
INTERNATIONAL. Gold traded little changed in Asia amid a gain in the dollar and a drop in global equities ahead of further US economic data.
The Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against six major trading partners, increased for a third day this week, while global stocks slid as US April retail sales fell 0.4 percent, compared with economists’ expectations for no change. A drop in crude oil also capped bullion’s gains.
“Gold’s a safety mechanism and it’s also an anti-inflation mechanism, so you get two for the price of one,” Joseph Saluzzi, co-head of equity trading at Themis Trading, said in a Bloomberg Television interview.
“Some people will claim there’s no value to it but so what, it does what it’s supposed to do.”
Gold for immediate delivery was at US$924.40 an ounce at 1.52 pm in Singapore. The metal rose to US$930.90 an ounce yesterday, the highest since 1 April. Gold for June delivery in New York was also little changed at US$924.80.
Gold holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange-traded fund backed by bullion, increased for the first time since 9 April yesterday to 1,105.62 metric tons, according to figures on the company’s website.
“I walk into the mall I see a lot of people not shopping. I see them walking around with no bags at all, that’s the real test,” said Saluzzi. Gold has “another 10% upside before some profit taking kicks in.”
The Euro declined to the lowest level in almost a week against the US Dollar on speculation European Central Bank officials will today signal they plan to take further unconventional measures to keep down borrowing costs.
Jobless claims in the US are forecast to have risen last week to 610,000 from 601,000 in the week ended 2 May, according to the median projection of 38 economists in a Bloomberg News survey. The US Labour Department will report the numbers today.
Among other precious metals for immediate delivery, silver was little changed at US$13.99 an ounce, platinum fell 0.8% to US$1,107.50 an ounce, and palladium climbed 1.1% to US$223.75 an ounce as of 1.55 pm Singapore time.
The Dollar Index, which tracks the greenback against six major trading partners, increased for a third day this week, while global stocks slid as US April retail sales fell 0.4 percent, compared with economists’ expectations for no change. A drop in crude oil also capped bullion’s gains.
“Gold’s a safety mechanism and it’s also an anti-inflation mechanism, so you get two for the price of one,” Joseph Saluzzi, co-head of equity trading at Themis Trading, said in a Bloomberg Television interview.
“Some people will claim there’s no value to it but so what, it does what it’s supposed to do.”
Gold for immediate delivery was at US$924.40 an ounce at 1.52 pm in Singapore. The metal rose to US$930.90 an ounce yesterday, the highest since 1 April. Gold for June delivery in New York was also little changed at US$924.80.
Gold holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange-traded fund backed by bullion, increased for the first time since 9 April yesterday to 1,105.62 metric tons, according to figures on the company’s website.
“I walk into the mall I see a lot of people not shopping. I see them walking around with no bags at all, that’s the real test,” said Saluzzi. Gold has “another 10% upside before some profit taking kicks in.”
The Euro declined to the lowest level in almost a week against the US Dollar on speculation European Central Bank officials will today signal they plan to take further unconventional measures to keep down borrowing costs.
Jobless claims in the US are forecast to have risen last week to 610,000 from 601,000 in the week ended 2 May, according to the median projection of 38 economists in a Bloomberg News survey. The US Labour Department will report the numbers today.
Among other precious metals for immediate delivery, silver was little changed at US$13.99 an ounce, platinum fell 0.8% to US$1,107.50 an ounce, and palladium climbed 1.1% to US$223.75 an ounce as of 1.55 pm Singapore time.
INGIN Menjadi sebahagian Ahli Koperasi KUEMAS



Adakah anda ingin mengorak selangkah lagi pengetahuan anda di dalam bidang emas ini? Jawapannya ialah daftarkan diri anda utk menjadi ahli Koperasi Usahawan Emas Malaysia (KUEM). Koperasi ini baru ditubuhkan secara rasminya pada 9 May 2009 setelah mesyuarat pertama diadakan bersama SKM pada minggu lepas. Jangan lepaskan peluang ini, kerana AJK yg dilantik bersama2 ahli yg berdaftar telah merangka satu skim yang akan membantu diri dan keluarga utk jangka masa panjang mahupun pendek. Antara idea yg diutarakan adalah spt berikut
a) Skim Simpanan Hari Tua
Konsep kwsp tapi aset dalam dinar, insyaAllah masa hari tua simpanan anda amat bernilai berbanding duit RM.
Cth: sebulan 1/4 dinar maka setahun 3dinar, ambil purata 25 tahun maka jumlah terkumpul 75dinar pada masa persaraan.
b) Skim Simpanan Dinar
Konsep PB-GIA tapi aset dalam dinar, nilai minima simpanan adalah 1/4 dinar dan baki minima simpanan 1/4 dinar. Boleh di jual beli mengikut harga semasa yang ditetapkan oleh KUEMAS. Proses pengeluaran simpanan boleh dalam bentuk dinar atau RM pada harga jual/beli. Sistem online di bangunkan untuk kemudahan seluruh malaysia.
c) Skim Simpanan Pelaburan Dinar
Konsep Perbankan, nilai minima simpanan adalah 1/4 dinar dan baki minima simpanan 1/4 dinar. Dinar yg di simpan akan di laburkan dalam bentuk trading harga semasa dan pelaburan yg di benarkan(berisiko rendah) untuk menghasilkan pulangan pada penyimpanan.
d) Skim Simpanan Remaja
Konsep perbankan yang sama seperti skim simpanan pelaburan dinar, pengkhususan pada anak2 yg berusia 18 tahun kebawah degan ibu bapa sebagai penama. Keputusan pelajaran pada peringkat peperiksaan utama akan di beri ganjaran. Simpanan setelah mencapai tahap matang 18 tahun umur boleh di keluarkan untuk pembiayaan melanjutkan pelajaran peringkat tinggi. Di wujudkan juga skim pinjaman/biasiswa kepada penyimpan yang mencapai tahap keputusan yg bagus.
e) PasarDinar (e-trading)
Konsep virtual trading dimana terdapat pelbagai item jualan yang di buka kepada ahli( sewa tapak istemawa) dan bukan ahli. Semua trade adalah dalam bentuk dinar(e-dinar) dimana penjual dan pembeli di wajibkan mempunya debit kad dinar yg di bangunkan oleh KUEMAS untuk urusan transaksi jual beli secara online.Harga barangan boleh diletakkan dlm RM (sebagai rujukan) dan convertion dlm dinar.
Cth harga buku RM100 (0.2dinar-cth 1dinar=RM500)harga dlm dinar akan berubah mengikut harga semasa dinar harian.pembeli akan membayar 0.2 dinar melalu kad debit dinar, kalau dalam kad debit ada 5 dinar maka baki dalam kad debit adalah 4.80dinar.Harga jual beli juga ada keistimewaan pada ahli KUEMAS (diskaun)
f) PasarDinar (live trading)
Konsep sama mcm e-trading cuma dibuka kepada umum. Lokasi seperti tesco/carefour dibuka pada peniaga semua dan urusan adalah dalam dinar dan debit kad dinar sebagai medium transaksi.(pelan jangka masa panjang)
g) Kad Keahlian KUEMAS
Setiap ahli KUEMAS akan dapat kad keahlian macam reward kad yg mana setiap belian dalam urusan berkaitan KUEMAS akan mendapat mata ganjaran yang akan boleh ditebus setelah mencapai mata minima yg mencukupi.
sudilah kiranya bakal ahli mengembangkan idea yg dilontarkan utk kebaikan bersama.cadangan dan kritikan dari semua akan di ambil kira.
Bagi anda berminat sila klik di sini http://kuemas.wordpress.com/borang-keahlian/ untuk muat turun borang keahlian....
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Fakta menarik drp web Hasbulah Pit
Ketika ini, harga dalam USD :
Emas USD 920 seaun
Minyak Mentah USD 58
Perak USD 14.3 seaun
Ramai yang suka harga minyak dunia rendah kerana menjimatkan mereka yang suka berjalan.
Namun yang paling suka harga minyak rendah ialah Amerika, kerana mereka boleh beli minyak murah daripada Negara Islam.
Negara Islam pula masih tidak faham-faham dan terikut-ikut rentak mereka, sehingga negara Islam pun mahukan harga minyak murah.
Di Malaysia harga minyak ron97 dikatakan akan "dinaikkan" kepada RM 2.00 , mengapa ia tidak diapungkan terus?
Berikut adalah carta kejatuhan nilai dollar yang menyebabkan harga minyak/emas/perak dalam USD naik.

Dalam 3 bulan kebelakangan, USD telah jatuh 15% berbanding AUD (Australia). tetapi hanya turun 5% berbanding euro, dan seikit dengan Ringgit.
Graf yang sama untuk 5 tahun.
(klik pada imej di tab baru)

A adalah ketika USD jatuh , dan ketika itu harga minyak dunia USD 130 , Perak USD 20 , emas USD 950.
B adalah ketika harga minyak dunia USD 35 , perak 9USD, emas 800 USD.
Fasa ini saya panggil "False Dollar Rally".
Setelah Obama mencetak trilion USD, bekalan matawang mereka banyak , Tidak masuk akal kalau nilainya kekal tinggi.
Namun nilainya tinggi dan mereka mampu beli komoditi. dengan duit yang banyak dan harga yang murah.
"False dollar Rally" tidak boleh bertahan lama Ianya akan jatuh jua.
Jika diunjurkan graf itu menggunakan tetikus warna oren, maka ianya akan tiba ke tahap C yang sama dengan A.
Agaknya berapa harga minyak dunia ketika itu?
USD 130?
Berapa agaknya harga emas dalam USD ketika itu?
Kalau hari ini sudah 920?
Berapa harga perak?
USD 20? mungkin
Kita , rakyat Malaysia amat merasai kesan turun naik harga komoditi ini kerana nilai ringgit ditentukan dengan kaedah "Managed Float".
Untuk mengelakkan kita sengsara harga minyak naik, maka perlunya Ringgit perlu keluar daripada "Managed float".
Sekiranya graf sebelum "False dollar rally" diunjurkan (warna biru), ia akan sampai ke paras D.
Akhir kata, selamat kumpul tin.
Emas USD 920 seaun
Minyak Mentah USD 58
Perak USD 14.3 seaun
Ramai yang suka harga minyak dunia rendah kerana menjimatkan mereka yang suka berjalan.
Namun yang paling suka harga minyak rendah ialah Amerika, kerana mereka boleh beli minyak murah daripada Negara Islam.
Negara Islam pula masih tidak faham-faham dan terikut-ikut rentak mereka, sehingga negara Islam pun mahukan harga minyak murah.
Di Malaysia harga minyak ron97 dikatakan akan "dinaikkan" kepada RM 2.00 , mengapa ia tidak diapungkan terus?
Berikut adalah carta kejatuhan nilai dollar yang menyebabkan harga minyak/emas/perak dalam USD naik.

Dalam 3 bulan kebelakangan, USD telah jatuh 15% berbanding AUD (Australia). tetapi hanya turun 5% berbanding euro, dan seikit dengan Ringgit.
Graf yang sama untuk 5 tahun.
(klik pada imej di tab baru)

A adalah ketika USD jatuh , dan ketika itu harga minyak dunia USD 130 , Perak USD 20 , emas USD 950.
B adalah ketika harga minyak dunia USD 35 , perak 9USD, emas 800 USD.
Fasa ini saya panggil "False Dollar Rally".
Setelah Obama mencetak trilion USD, bekalan matawang mereka banyak , Tidak masuk akal kalau nilainya kekal tinggi.
Namun nilainya tinggi dan mereka mampu beli komoditi. dengan duit yang banyak dan harga yang murah.
"False dollar Rally" tidak boleh bertahan lama Ianya akan jatuh jua.
Jika diunjurkan graf itu menggunakan tetikus warna oren, maka ianya akan tiba ke tahap C yang sama dengan A.
Agaknya berapa harga minyak dunia ketika itu?
USD 130?
Berapa agaknya harga emas dalam USD ketika itu?
Kalau hari ini sudah 920?
Berapa harga perak?
USD 20? mungkin
Kita , rakyat Malaysia amat merasai kesan turun naik harga komoditi ini kerana nilai ringgit ditentukan dengan kaedah "Managed Float".
Untuk mengelakkan kita sengsara harga minyak naik, maka perlunya Ringgit perlu keluar daripada "Managed float".
Sekiranya graf sebelum "False dollar rally" diunjurkan (warna biru), ia akan sampai ke paras D.
Akhir kata, selamat kumpul tin.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sejarah Emas

(Di cedok drp laman web Logam Mulia)
(Au), chemical element, a dense, lustrous, yellow precious metal of Group Ib, Period 6, of the periodic table. Gold has several qualities that have made it exceptionally valuable throughout history. It is attractive in color and brightness, durable to the point of virtual indestructibility, highly malleable, and usually found in nature in a comparatively pure form.
The history of gold is unequaled by that of any other metal because of its value in the minds of men from earliest times.
Because gold is visually pleasing and workable and does not tarnish or corrode, it was one of the first metals to attract human attention. Examples of elaborate gold workmanship, many in nearly perfect condition, survive from ancient Egyptian, Minoan, Assyrian, and Etruscan artisans, and gold has continued to be a highly favored material out of which to craft jewelry and other decorative object.
In nature its size could be measured start from which is not seen by eyes (some micron, one micron is permil) until some centimeter. Big sized gold, some centimeters above called nugget, generally the in form of rock. One of the famous producer of nugget is Australia. Nugget couldn�t be easily found because of its size for examples like 'Welcome Stranger' weight 7,1 kg, 53x25 cm, found in1869 in the area of Victoria, 'Hand Of Faith' weight 22,7 kg, 46x18 cm, found in the area of Victoria also in 1980th, ' Golden EagleI', 38,4 kg, 66x30cm. Because there were such a big number of nugget found in Australia so that made a lot of amateurs use detector to look for it and even there were people who managed this seeking nugget in tour packet hunt.
Gold is widespread in low concentrations in all igneous rocks. Its abundance in the Earth's crust is estimated at about 0.005 parts per million. It occurs mostly in the native state, remaining chemically uncombined except with tellurium, selenium, and possibly bismuth. The element's only naturally occurring isotope is gold-197. Gold often occurs in association with copper and lead deposits, and, though the quantity present is often extremely small, it is readily recovered as a byproduct in the refining of those base metals. Large masses of gold-bearing rock rich enough to be called ores are unusual. Two types of deposits containing significant amounts of gold are known: hydrothermal veins, where it is associated with quartz and pyrite (fool's gold); and placer deposits, both consolidated and unconsolidated, that are derived from the weathering of gold-bearing rocks.
The origin of enriched veins is not fully known, but it is believed that the gold was carried up from great depths with other minerals, at least in partial solid solution, and later precipitated. The gold in rocks usually occurs as invisible disseminated grains, more rarely as flakes large enough to be seen, and even more rarely as masses or veinlets. Crystals about 2.5 cm (1 inch) or more across have been found in California. Masses, some on the order of 90 kg (200 pounds), have been reported from Australia.
Alluvial deposits of gold found in or along streams were the principal sources of the metal for ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Other deposits were found in Lydia (now in Turkey) and the lands of the Aegean and in Persia (now Iran), India, China, and other lands. During the Middle Ages the chief sources of gold in Europe were the mines of Saxony and Austria. The era of gold production that followed the Spanish discovery of the Americas in the 1490s was probably the greatest the world had witnessed to that time. The exploitation of mines by slave labor and the looting of Indian palaces, temples, and graves in Central and South America resulted in an unprecedented influx of gold that literally unbalanced the economic structure of Europe. From Christopher Columbus' discovery of the New World in 1492 to 1600, more than 225,000 kg (8,000,000 ounces) of gold, or 35 percent of world production, came from South America. The New World's mines--especially those in Colombia--continued into the 17th and 18th centuries to account for 61 and 80 percent, respectively, of world production; 1,350,000 kg (48,000,000 ounces) were mined in the 18th century.
Gold Slips in N.Y. as Investment Demand May Wilt; Silver Falls
By Halia Pavliva
May 11 (Bloomberg) -- Gold declined in New York on speculation that investment demand will drop as more signs emerge that the global recession may have touched bottom. Silver also slipped.
Policy makers see “encouraging” signs of a recovery, European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said after a meeting of central bankers. U.S. consumer sentiment rose in April by the most in more than two years. German factory orders gained for the first time in seven months in March. The dollar climbed as much as 0.6 percent against the euro.
“Gold prices eased as risk appetite made a comeback and was seen as a hunger for stocks and certain currencies,” Jon Nadler, a senior analyst at Kitco Inc. in Montreal, said today in a report. Demand from exchange-traded funds “has gone into drought mode since reaching a record high last month.”
Gold futures for June delivery fell $1.40, or 0.2 percent, to $913.50 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange’s Comex division, after dropping as much as 0.7 percent earlier. The most-active contract rose 3 percent last week, and may resume climbing in the next few days, said MF Global’s Tom Pawlicki.
“This week’s trade in gold is expected to progress in a generally higher direction, with prices potentially reaching $935.80 an ounce,” Pawlicki, an analyst in Chicago, said today in a report. “Support will come from worries that inflationary pressures are growing, from increased tensions in northwestern Pakistan, and from Venezuela’s seizure of oil assets.”
Falling ETF Bullion
Holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange- traded fund backed by bullion, reached a record of almost 1,128 metric tons last month and has decreased 2.1 percent since then.
U.S. stocks retreated from a four-month high after the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index traded at the most expensive level in seven months. The S&P tumbled as much as 2.2 percent before paring losses. Some investors sell gold to raise cash when they expect higher returns in other markets, such as equities and currencies.
“The safe-haven play is becoming less relevant at the moment, largely because we are beginning to see more positive economic signals,” said David Wilson, an analyst at Societe Generale in London.
Crude-oil futures, which jumped 10 percent last week, slid as much as 3.2 percent in New York. Oil fell after asset seizures in Venezuela, the biggest supplier to the Americas.
Asset Seizures
On May 8, Venezuelan agencies completed a seizure of oil- services company assets as President Hugo Chavez said private companies were no longer needed in the country’s oilfields. “We’re going to bury capitalism in Venezuela,” he said.
In Pakistan, the government said the army killed about 700 insurgents in the past two weeks in the northwest region, where Taliban militants asserted control earlier this year. The government said 20 soldiers died in the fighting. The casualty figures couldn’t be independently verified.
Silver futures for July delivery fell 4.5 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $13.91 an ounce in New York. The most-active contract jumped 12 percent last week, the biggest weekly gain since Sept. 19. Gold still has advanced 3.3 percent this year, underperforming silver, which has gained 23 percent.
May 11 (Bloomberg) -- Gold declined in New York on speculation that investment demand will drop as more signs emerge that the global recession may have touched bottom. Silver also slipped.
Policy makers see “encouraging” signs of a recovery, European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said after a meeting of central bankers. U.S. consumer sentiment rose in April by the most in more than two years. German factory orders gained for the first time in seven months in March. The dollar climbed as much as 0.6 percent against the euro.
“Gold prices eased as risk appetite made a comeback and was seen as a hunger for stocks and certain currencies,” Jon Nadler, a senior analyst at Kitco Inc. in Montreal, said today in a report. Demand from exchange-traded funds “has gone into drought mode since reaching a record high last month.”
Gold futures for June delivery fell $1.40, or 0.2 percent, to $913.50 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange’s Comex division, after dropping as much as 0.7 percent earlier. The most-active contract rose 3 percent last week, and may resume climbing in the next few days, said MF Global’s Tom Pawlicki.
“This week’s trade in gold is expected to progress in a generally higher direction, with prices potentially reaching $935.80 an ounce,” Pawlicki, an analyst in Chicago, said today in a report. “Support will come from worries that inflationary pressures are growing, from increased tensions in northwestern Pakistan, and from Venezuela’s seizure of oil assets.”
Falling ETF Bullion
Holdings in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange- traded fund backed by bullion, reached a record of almost 1,128 metric tons last month and has decreased 2.1 percent since then.
U.S. stocks retreated from a four-month high after the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index traded at the most expensive level in seven months. The S&P tumbled as much as 2.2 percent before paring losses. Some investors sell gold to raise cash when they expect higher returns in other markets, such as equities and currencies.
“The safe-haven play is becoming less relevant at the moment, largely because we are beginning to see more positive economic signals,” said David Wilson, an analyst at Societe Generale in London.
Crude-oil futures, which jumped 10 percent last week, slid as much as 3.2 percent in New York. Oil fell after asset seizures in Venezuela, the biggest supplier to the Americas.
Asset Seizures
On May 8, Venezuelan agencies completed a seizure of oil- services company assets as President Hugo Chavez said private companies were no longer needed in the country’s oilfields. “We’re going to bury capitalism in Venezuela,” he said.
In Pakistan, the government said the army killed about 700 insurgents in the past two weeks in the northwest region, where Taliban militants asserted control earlier this year. The government said 20 soldiers died in the fighting. The casualty figures couldn’t be independently verified.
Silver futures for July delivery fell 4.5 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $13.91 an ounce in New York. The most-active contract jumped 12 percent last week, the biggest weekly gain since Sept. 19. Gold still has advanced 3.3 percent this year, underperforming silver, which has gained 23 percent.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Gold prices hold steady as Wall Street rallies
NEW YORK (AP) -- Gold prices held steady Friday, as a rally in stocks kept demand for the safe-haven asset in check.
Other commodities, like oil and grains, surged on the day's upbeat economic data.
Gold for June delivery slipped 60 cents to settle at $914.90 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices, however, rose 3 percent for the week, erasing the previous week's losses. The precious metal is up 3.5 percent for the year.
The dollar was weaker against the euro and the British pound on Friday, which offered gold some support. Gold, which is used as a hedge against inflation, tends to benefit when the dollar falls.
But spirited buying on Wall Street dampened some of gold's gains. Stocks surged on better-than-expected jobs data and confirmation that big banks don't need as much capital as feared.
The government said late Thursday that 10 of the 19 largest U.S. banks that underwent its "stress test" will need to raise about $75 billion as a backstop against future losses. That figure was not as high as some had anticipated. Investors also welcomed a report showing that employers cut fewer jobs last month than analysts had forecast.
The news Friday was further validation that the economy's slide is moderating. The market has rallied more than 25 percent since early March on improving economic data, which has spurred hopes that the recession could end sooner than previously thought.
As the economy improves and demand for goods and services picks up, so will prices. This notion has helped boost economic-sensitive commodities like oil and grains. But gold prices have struggled to climb much higher as investors move into stocks and out of other assets for fear of missing out on the market's two-month rally.
Other metals were also lower Friday. July silver slipped 7.5 cents to $13.9550 an ounce, while July copper futures fell 1.9 cents to $2.1455 a pound.
Oil prices surged on the Nymex to their highest close of the year.
Light, sweet crude for June delivery rose $1.92 to settle at $58.63 a barrel.
Gasoline for June delivery rose 4 cents to $1.7055 a gallon - its highest close since November - and heating oil gained 3.32 cents to $1.5184 a gallon.
Grain prices moved higher on the Chicago Board of Trade.
July wheat futures jumped 20.75 cents to $5.91 a bushel, while corn for July delivery added 9 cents to $4.21 a bushel.
July soybeans rose 9.5 cents to $11.1150 a bushel.
Other commodities, like oil and grains, surged on the day's upbeat economic data.
Gold for June delivery slipped 60 cents to settle at $914.90 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices, however, rose 3 percent for the week, erasing the previous week's losses. The precious metal is up 3.5 percent for the year.
The dollar was weaker against the euro and the British pound on Friday, which offered gold some support. Gold, which is used as a hedge against inflation, tends to benefit when the dollar falls.
But spirited buying on Wall Street dampened some of gold's gains. Stocks surged on better-than-expected jobs data and confirmation that big banks don't need as much capital as feared.
The government said late Thursday that 10 of the 19 largest U.S. banks that underwent its "stress test" will need to raise about $75 billion as a backstop against future losses. That figure was not as high as some had anticipated. Investors also welcomed a report showing that employers cut fewer jobs last month than analysts had forecast.
The news Friday was further validation that the economy's slide is moderating. The market has rallied more than 25 percent since early March on improving economic data, which has spurred hopes that the recession could end sooner than previously thought.
As the economy improves and demand for goods and services picks up, so will prices. This notion has helped boost economic-sensitive commodities like oil and grains. But gold prices have struggled to climb much higher as investors move into stocks and out of other assets for fear of missing out on the market's two-month rally.
Other metals were also lower Friday. July silver slipped 7.5 cents to $13.9550 an ounce, while July copper futures fell 1.9 cents to $2.1455 a pound.
Oil prices surged on the Nymex to their highest close of the year.
Light, sweet crude for June delivery rose $1.92 to settle at $58.63 a barrel.
Gasoline for June delivery rose 4 cents to $1.7055 a gallon - its highest close since November - and heating oil gained 3.32 cents to $1.5184 a gallon.
Grain prices moved higher on the Chicago Board of Trade.
July wheat futures jumped 20.75 cents to $5.91 a bushel, while corn for July delivery added 9 cents to $4.21 a bushel.
July soybeans rose 9.5 cents to $11.1150 a bushel.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Gold futures to test support levels
Gold futures, ended marginally higher on Friday ahead of a bank stress test next week. Safe-haven demand in gold diminished further after the US equities, in April posted its best month in nine years.
Gold was pressured after consumers felt more confident last month after the failure of Lehman Bros. Bankruptcy in some of the auto makers is seen pressuring platinum one of the important instrument in the precious metals complex. Added to all, this w as the market’s thin volumes owing to Labour Day holiday and ahead of the May Bank Day holiday in the United Kingdom on Monday.
Comex June gold futures moved against our expectations. As mentioned in the previous update, as long as $882 remains undisturbed, we favour the uptrend to resume higher. The $880 low has been tested neutralising our bullish expectations. We now tread with caution and a neutral bias.
Resistance is at $901/02 now and a daily close above $910 to revive bullish hopes again.
The big picture structures are still positive and, therefore, we continue our mild bullish bias as long as $874 holds.
Direct fall below $874 could open the downside for gold, for a test $852 or even lower. We believe that the third wave could have ended at $1,033 and the fourth wave that we have been tracking could have ended at $681 and fifth wave impulse in progress. A daily close above $1,000 is a confirmation of the same.
The RSI is in the neutral zone, indicating that it is neither overbought nor oversold. The averages in MACD are still below the zero line of the indicator again, suggesting a bearish to be intact.
Only a cross-over above the zero line of the indicator could signal bullishness again. Therefore, expect gold futures to test the support levels.
Supports are at $880, 863 & 852. Resistances are at $894, 901 & 923.
Gold was pressured after consumers felt more confident last month after the failure of Lehman Bros. Bankruptcy in some of the auto makers is seen pressuring platinum one of the important instrument in the precious metals complex. Added to all, this w as the market’s thin volumes owing to Labour Day holiday and ahead of the May Bank Day holiday in the United Kingdom on Monday.
Comex June gold futures moved against our expectations. As mentioned in the previous update, as long as $882 remains undisturbed, we favour the uptrend to resume higher. The $880 low has been tested neutralising our bullish expectations. We now tread with caution and a neutral bias.
Resistance is at $901/02 now and a daily close above $910 to revive bullish hopes again.
The big picture structures are still positive and, therefore, we continue our mild bullish bias as long as $874 holds.
Direct fall below $874 could open the downside for gold, for a test $852 or even lower. We believe that the third wave could have ended at $1,033 and the fourth wave that we have been tracking could have ended at $681 and fifth wave impulse in progress. A daily close above $1,000 is a confirmation of the same.
The RSI is in the neutral zone, indicating that it is neither overbought nor oversold. The averages in MACD are still below the zero line of the indicator again, suggesting a bearish to be intact.
Only a cross-over above the zero line of the indicator could signal bullishness again. Therefore, expect gold futures to test the support levels.
Supports are at $880, 863 & 852. Resistances are at $894, 901 & 923.
'I Am Not Selling My Gold,' Says Jim Rogers
Legendary global investor and chairman of Singapore- based Rogers Holdings, Jim Rogers said he is concerned some institutional gold reserves may be sold, affecting prices in the short term.
In an interview with Bloomberg radio, Rogers said: “I own some gold, but I am not buying at the moment because the IMF, which is one of the largest owners of gold in the world, is desperate to sell its gold.”
“I’m not selling my gold,” Rogers said.
The IMF “is trying to get permission from everybody,” Rogers added.
“If and when they sell their gold, they may set a bottom. Who knows? It may go down to US$700. They got a lot of gold to sell. If it does, I hope I’m brave enough and smart enough to buy more.”
In an earlier interview Rogers said whether the IMF sells gold or not, the world is expecting them to sell it.
In an interview with Bloomberg radio, Rogers said: “I own some gold, but I am not buying at the moment because the IMF, which is one of the largest owners of gold in the world, is desperate to sell its gold.”
“I’m not selling my gold,” Rogers said.
The IMF “is trying to get permission from everybody,” Rogers added.
“If and when they sell their gold, they may set a bottom. Who knows? It may go down to US$700. They got a lot of gold to sell. If it does, I hope I’m brave enough and smart enough to buy more.”
In an earlier interview Rogers said whether the IMF sells gold or not, the world is expecting them to sell it.
Gold may be ‘off to the races’ above $950
Gold may be “off to the races” if prices break resistance levels at $950 to $960 an ounce, according to Jeffrey Rhodes, a Dubai-based trader with International Assets Holding Corp.
Prices may surpass $1,200 an ounce this year, more than the record $1,032.70 reached in March 2008, Rhodes said. Gold peaked at $1,006.29 this year on February 20. Gold’s support level is at about $850 an ounce, he said.
Support is where buy orders may be clustered and resistance is where there may be sell orders.
“A number that would get everyone very excited would be $1,005 an ounce,” Rhodes said in an interview April 27.
Gold for immediate delivery has advanced for eight consecutive years, the longest winning streak since at least 1948. Investment in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange- traded fund backed by gold, almost doubled in 12 months and overtook Switzerland as the world’s sixth-largest gold holding.
Gold has gained 0.5% this year to $886.55 an ounce at the close of trading May 1.
Some investors buy gold and other precious metals to hedge against rising consumer prices.
Gold may be “off to the races” if prices break resistance levels at $950 to $960 an ounce, according to Jeffrey Rhodes, a Dubai-based trader with International Assets Holding Corp.
Prices may surpass $1,200 an ounce this year, more than the record $1,032.70 reached in March 2008, Rhodes said. Gold peaked at $1,006.29 this year on February 20. Gold’s support level is at about $850 an ounce, he said.
Support is where buy orders may be clustered and resistance is where there may be sell orders.
“A number that would get everyone very excited would be $1,005 an ounce,” Rhodes said in an interview April 27.
Gold for immediate delivery has advanced for eight consecutive years, the longest winning streak since at least 1948. Investment in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange- traded fund backed by gold, almost doubled in 12 months and overtook Switzerland as the world’s sixth-largest gold holding.
Gold has gained 0.5% this year to $886.55 an ounce at the close of trading May 1.
Some investors buy gold and other precious metals to hedge against rising consumer prices.
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